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Arutyunyan S.R.


Creation of the report of a control system.

Now one of actual problems is the problem of production automation. This problem is most often expressed in necessity of technically out-of-date equipment modernization. As a rule, equipment modernization consists of creation of the allocated control system. And transition of systems’ developers of the ASM to application of the allocated network technologies is caused by the fact that in most cases installation on an industrial target of the several local controllers incorporated in a uniform network becomes economically more expedient a lining of the branched out cable networks. Cost of installation works, testing, commissioning and support of the centralized system is higher, as there are more wire connections in the centralized system than in allocated. The probability of an error increases repeatedly at installation of conductors, complexity of search and elimination of malfunctions, and also complexity system’s reconfiguration. At construction of the allocated systems a problem of a way choice of a control system’s construction which most effectively would correspond to such qualities as the price, simplicity, reliability, flexibility sharply appears. More than 250 various systems are created. However a part of them is already morally obsolete, others appeared to be superfluous and extremely expensive. Besides the microcontrollers which have become a standard of family MCS-51 and also compatible to them AVR which are most often used for automation of manufacture, are badly compatible to the majority of them. In the given work one of the basic reports on the basis of which industrial networks of management is possible to build is considered. The purpose of work is creation of the report of a control system’s exchange by process of the sizes’ reorganization on processing line Mitsubishi "SUMMIT-100". Also after some updating the given report can be applied to automation of productions on other industrial targets. It is necessary to notice, that the purpose of work was not the consideration of all possible reports but only those which are intended for construction of small management networks.

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